The Best of Both Worlds
One of my most recent favorite books (which is a light and easy read) is The Cheap Bastard's Guide to New York City. One, it feeds my obsession with a city I don't live in. Two, it is a funny book. Three, it's a great reference, telling you how to best take advantage of free stuff.
The best part is that the principles can be applied. Since I work in a college setting. There are lectures, plays, concerts, sports events, and a host of other events that are mine for the taking. Often, they are free for staff. Just on Wednesday, we heard from Peter Bisanz, a documentary filmmaker who is also exploring social entrepreneurship through an MBA and PhD. Pretty impressive stuff. I've been mentally stimulated by the convocations we hold and get to enjoy a high life of culture. While I don't take in a lot of sports, I sure could.
Let's compare this to my Other Half. He start a new job this summer with a hip company that employs a lot of young professionals. His company also has a lot of fun events. Last night was one such example. We dressed up and went to a private party room at the Walker Art Center. There was semi-live music (a DJ and a percussionist...I didn't totally get it). There were free art tours (it was a free night, so the free art wasn't that special). There were drink tickets that covered anything you wanted to drink. All in all, it was a very "trendy" night.
As I was staring out the window at the downtown skyline and the traffic from Lyndale Avenu, I realized that we had the best of both worlds. We could be intellectual and hip at the same time. We could immerse ourselves in culture and in a techno-infused party sipping cosmos.
The best part is that both of these events were free to us. We were invited because of our jobs. We get to do some pretty cool stuff.
These are the perks with the jobs we have.
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