In Lay Terms

Random Ramblings From a Church Nerd

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Continuing to Fast

I'm now in day five of the fast. Only two days to go after this one.

For the first couple of days, all I could think about was eating. There was a point on Tuesday morning when I got really sweaty and shakey. That has passed. I'm feeling pretty normal right now. Since I'm getting nutrients from the pills that I'm taking, I don't feel like I'm depleting much right now. I'm really just missing the act of eating. I want to put food in my mouth and chew. I want to be social and eat with friends an co-workers. I just want to be able to eat.

My Other Half said that he would like to do the fast again for two weeks. I don't know about that. Right now, I'm looking forward to Sunday morning when I'll break this fast. I'm not sure I can last for two weeks.

All this thinking about food has been good in a way. Since we lost our CSA membership just before starting this fast, it makes me want to find a new membership. I can't imagine putting sugar or processed food into my system after going through all this work to get that junk out of my body. It renewed the interest in getting organic, farm-fresh produce into by body.

On that note, it appears that we found another CSA that we could join. My Other Half registered yesterday, and we are waiting to hear a confirmation. This new CSA may be even better than our first choice. It is more expensive, but it has a longer season, so we will be getting food later into the fall. They also have several options for spring and winter. This can extend the fresh produce further into the year. It's my hope that soon we can apply for "The Works", which is a year-round program.

I'm just hoping that after working this hard to get all the toxins out of my body, I'll be more hesitant to put them into my body.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

be careful please. there have been reports in the news about the dangers of such programs.

7:50 AM  

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