In Lay Terms

Random Ramblings From a Church Nerd

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Losing the Farm

A while back, I wrote about our efforts to become a part of Community Supported Agriculture (CSA). We researched several farms to find one that would best fit our need. For those of you who don't know CSA, it's basically like buying a share of a farm. For a period of time (about 15 weeks), you will get 5/8 of a bushel of whatever they have fresh that week. It's usually a pretty good variety and the food tastes better than what you can buy in the store. Plus, it's organic and locally grown, so you know it's good for you!

Anyway, we had chosen a particular farm. The price seemed like a good starter price, plus they delivered to a location near our home. We contacted them, and they said that we were a little too early to sign up for summer of 2007. So we waited. Finally, they sent us the brochure and we send them the money.

A few weeks ago (actually, at my other half's graduation), I got a message from the farm. They were canceling their season. Apparently, this farm didn't have a resident farmer. They relied on seasonal growers. They couldn't get one this year, so they canceled.

We haven't been able to do anything about it, since we have a lot going on, but last night I was able to look at their recommendations as to where to go. Unfortunately, it's now pretty late in the season. There are few places left, and they are more expensive than what we originally signed up for.

I'm still hoping that we can get to be a part of a CSA. I think it's a really good idea. Unfortunately, I don't know if we will get to start in 2007 or not.


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