In Lay Terms

Random Ramblings From a Church Nerd

Monday, August 18, 2008

The Direct Approach is the Best Approach

I got responses to the emails that I sent. My comments were both well received, which is somewhat of a relief. Especially with my friend, I was concerned that this would ruin our friendship. But it was taken in stride, with some good dialog.

As for my letter to the guy in Connecticut, I got a short reply that addressed some of my concerns. He's not printing a retraction, or anything like that, but he did respond:

Thank you for the thoughtful note. Yes, I even know a Greek family in Minnesota -- and a stray Italian or two. The humor was broad enough not to offend, I suspect, but your points are well taken. Cohen
I'm going to have to keep trying to say what's on my mind. This might be a good thing.


Blogger LoieJ said...

I'm glad you got a response, even an open-minded one. I was getting lots of forwards from some relatives. I thought some of the content was worth reading but I was getting annoyed at the "send this on within 6 hours and you will have good luck" ending of some forwards. Finally one was even worse than that and offensive to me, so I sent a note to the sender saying I didn't think it was Christian. Boy was he steamed! Oh well.

7:46 AM  

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