In Lay Terms

Random Ramblings From a Church Nerd

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Holy Hospitality

We just returned from church this morning. It's Reformation Sunday, where we remember/celebrate Martin Luther and the reforms that he advanced within the Christian church. The pastor told an excellent sermon that somehow connected reformation with the given text for the Sunday, which was the parable of the pharisee and the tax collector. It talked about the need for any institution to be continually reforming itself, lest it get too high an opinion of the acts performed in the past.

As a part of the sermon, the pastor also talked about hospitality to strangers that happens within congregations. He said that this particular church has often been given high marks for its hospitality to the visitors. We are long-term visitors to this place, and we happen to agree.

However, when we left the sanctuary, my Other Half found that his leather jacket was missing. Someone probably took it by accident. However, we had a laugh over the admonition to extend hospitality to visitors in the sermon and the missing leather jacket after the worship service.

We are hoping that someone discovers that this is not their jacket and returns it AND that the church office remembers that we lost ours.


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