In Lay Terms

Random Ramblings From a Church Nerd

Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Election Night

So, here I am on another election night, hitting "refresh" on my computer over and over again. Why? There isn't a presidential election, there are no state elections in Minnesota, and I'm not too concerned about the Minneapolis mayoral election. So what is compelling me to constantly search for voting results?

I'm not sure, but I think that it has to do with leftover energy from a year ago. One year ago, I felt like I was watching the world change from one that was very scary to one where I saw possibility and hope. I was thrilled at Obama's election. I was frustrated that Al Franken wouldn't be seated for another 9 months. I was bitterly disappointed in the Prop 8 vote in California.

I think that I've carried all those emotions with me for a year now. I still feel a thrill, frustration, and disappointment. Not only in the political world, but in my vocational and personal world as well. As in everything, life is a mixed bag. I get the sunshine and the rain.

I'm particularly interested in the referendum in Maine. This is possibly the first time that voters will uphold a law allowing for same-gender marriage. I had high hopes for California, but it didn't happen. As I write this, there is still a slight lead for voting down the referendum that would take away the benefit of marriage. I'm more hopeful now.

I'm following a similar referendum in Washington state. It's too early to get any results now, so I probably won't learn more until morning. This is not marriage, but it is pretty close. It provides the legal protections and benefits that come with marriage. It means that when we visit my partner's family, I might be able to react and respond if something REALLY bad happens.

Many news programs have been calling this election an evaluation of Obama. I guess I don't see it that way. Yes, there are a handful of congress elections, and a couple governor elections. However, this is about keeping politics local. And sometimes it's good to focus on the local politics.

By the way, I sure hope that R.T. Rybak wins, because the rest of his challengers looked completely crazy when I tried to research them. There is one guy who is on the ballot who believes that Laura Ingels Wilder is god. Another is a part of the "Is Awesome" party (Joey Lombard is awesome...get it?).

At least I voted. I feel like a good citizen.


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