In Lay Terms

Random Ramblings From a Church Nerd

Sunday, January 18, 2009

New Body...New Vocabulary

Since my other attempts at getting fit haven't been working too well, I'm setting my sites pretty low. For Christmas, my parents got Richard and I a Wii and a Wii Fit. They have had one for a while now, and they like it. The Wii fit has some good yoga and strength training. So I've been on a quest to attempt to Wii work out every day.

A new product calls for a new set of vocabulary, so I have decided that doing anything other than the Wii would be called "working out", while working on the Wii would be called "Wiiking Out".

I also have to boast that after some time, I've become quite the "Wiithlete" (that was the word that sent my sister into laughing spasms).

OK - so the Wii shouldn't replace regular cardiovascular exercise, but it's better than nothing. I can feel myself getting more flexible (which is good for me). I also need to keep working on my posture. I've always had bad posture. I grew up with scoliosis, and have had back surgery to try to correct it. I'm sure it could be worse, but I have a pretty tender back. If I don't exercise a little and have good posture (which happens frequently), I can throw my back out pretty easily.

We do have the intention of joining a gym this summer, so a more strict exercise regimen will began at that time.

Onward to a better body!


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