In Lay Terms

Random Ramblings From a Church Nerd

Monday, May 01, 2006

The "Aha!" Moment

Yesterday, I heard a sermon about the "Aha!" moment. Our gospel was this great story from Luke about Jesus trying to make the disciples "get it" after his resurrection. It's easy to deride the disciples, but I'm not sure I would know what to do with the risen Jesus coming and talking to me. Jesus even eats a piece to fish to prove that he's not a ghost.

The amazing thing is that when the disciples finally have their minds opened, then Jesus disappears. What does that mean? Jesus doesn't linger anywhere, but you would think that once people understood, then there was an opportunity for real conversation. Jesus lets them understand what his whole ministry was all about, and then leaves the disciples to continue that work on earth.

Maybe disciples aren't really supposed to have that much training.


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